WASHINGTON DC -- On May 9, at the National Press Club some twenty
former government employees claiming encounters with unidentified flying
objects while performing military or government duties went public to
demand open congressional hearings on this mostly highly classified
phenomenon. Air Force Academy graduate Captain Robert Salas, who spent seven
years on active duty, reported that in March of 1967, UFOs flying above
Minuteman Missile silos at Malmstrom Air Force Base (AFB) in Montana
had knocked off line a dozen nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles.
The witnesses gave a picture of UFOs frequently hovering over key
military and nuclear sites nationwide. UFOs also penetrated airspace around
nuclear weapons systems in the autumn of 1975. Security forces at
Loring AFB, Maine, Wurtsmith AFB, Michigan, and others along the Northern
Border including Malmstrom AFB again were scrambled. At least one
fighter was lost chasing the UFOs. Lt. Colonel Dwynne Arneson was in!
charge of the Communication Center at the Twentieth Air Division at
Malestrom and dispatching nuclear launch authentication's to SAC missile
crews. He saw messages stating UFOs were near the missile silos. Crew
coming to work and going off duty saw the metallic circular objects
shinning lights down on the missile silos and shutting them down.
UFOs also penetrated the airspace around nuclear weapons systems in the
autumn of 1975. Security forces at Loring AFB, Maine, Wurtsmith AFB,
Michigan, and others along the Northern Border including Malmstrom AFB
again were scrambled. At least one fighter was lost chasing the UFOs.
He saw messages stating UFOs were near the missile silos. Crews coming
to work and going off duty saw the metallic circular objects hovering
above the missile silos. Professor Robert Jacobs, who was an Air Force
Lieutenant reports he was in charge of the 1369th team filming a
ballistic missile launch from Vandenberg AFB. After the second and third
stage of the Atlas missile burned out and departed a dummy warhead was
left streaking for the target. An UFO could be seen coming into the view
tracking the warhead. Beams of light were shot at the warhead
repeatedly from the UFO and the warhead started tumbling uncontrollably as the
UFO flew away.
The combined testimony of Disclosure witnesses indicates the Earth is
being visited by intelligently flown UFOs showing a capability to locate
our missile systems, to cause failure of their guidance and control
systems, and if necessary to destroy them in flight. These combined
activities indicate a sophisticated intelligence providing a clear warning
against nuclear weapons. Numerous witnesses and documents back the
testimony. It is my opinion there must be a perception by the leaders of
these countries that a potential threat exists. President Ronald Reagan
went on national television and told the world he was going to build a
defensive shield called the Strategic Defensive Initiative (SDI),
generally called Star Wars. Its mission was to protect us, to protect us
all. We are going to share with everybody including our enemy the Soviet
Union. A few years later, we became allies with the Russians and now
we fly together aboard the International Space Station. Sometimes!
truth is stranger than fiction. Perhaps the real meaning of Reagan's
remarks made to the 42nd General Assembly of the United Nations on
Sept. 21, 1987, during the height of the Cold War, becomes more meaningful.
Reagan stated, "In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we
often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need
some outside, universal threat to make us realize this common bond. I
occasionally think how quickly our differences would vanish if we were
facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, IS
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